Monday, September 10, 2007

Class Extension Assignment

It was great to meet all of you today. I am looking forward to the semester and hope you will find it productive and meaningful.

As an extension for our class, I have one additional video for you to watch. You will find it very similar to the one we watched in class today with some additional information. It is only a few minutes long. The video is located on a website called Teacher Tube ( While I have the direct link for the video, please feel free to look around the site - it contains all kinds of videos created by teachers with quite a wide range of topics.

Begin by viewing the video. You can view it directly from this blog or accessing from the website:

Similar to the video in class, this was created as a motivational tool for teachers to encourage them to pursue using technology in their instruction. Also, as I mentioned in class, please don't take offense to the intensity portrayed throughout...I don't want anyone to feel "attacked" if they don't agree with the entire message.

Once you have viewed the video post a simple yet reflective response to your position and/or opinions about what you took from the video. Consider ideas such as what you think about "digital learners" or about Bill Gates' comment about "richness", or other ideas that struck you. Feel free to be honest and answer freely based on your personal feelings and perspective. I hope you all feel comfortable to express yourselves without fear of scrutiny. I am very interested in as many perspectives as possible.

  • Click on "comment" at the bottom of this post.
  • In the screen that appears, choose "anonymous" or login with your Google account (if you want and/or have one).
  • Type your message in the text box at the top.
  • When you are finished, click "Publish your comment".

Please make sure you put your name so I can give you credit for the assignment. If you have ANY problems, please just let me know via e-mail and I will do my best to help you out.

See you all next week!!