Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Change in schedule/activities

I have made a few minor changes to the schedule and course activities. In the modified chart, the grey areas are topics we have already covered so you can easily see what remains. I have cancelled class on the 22nd – hopefully to give us all a few extra hours to meet some deadlines (I will be preparing to depart for a conference in California). Also notice the change in due dates; next week you will have a 2-part assignment, but I have given you almost 2 weeks to complete it.

The other piece to point out is in regards to our final class. Since I have cancelled class on the 22nd, I have eliminated the “optional” class on the 12th of November. We will meet on this day to get your portfolios/final project set up and make sure you understand the requirements and what to do. If however, you can show me beforehand you understand the assignment and have a pretty decent framework set up, you will not need to attend that final class. So, that decision is up to you – either way I will be in class on the 12th.

Modified Calendar