Friday, October 26, 2007

Instructional Video Lesson

Your assignment for the week well be to create a lesson plan centered on an instructional video you found on United Streaming. To complete this assignment, you will need the following items:

1. Locate a "short" video clip to use as part of a lesson (no less than 30 seconds, no longer than 5 minutes)
2. Develop an objective for the lesson
3. Describe an activity to introduce the lesson
4. Create a script to include:
- introduction to the video (what do you want the students to gain?)
- pause/stop points at several points throughout the clip
- questions, discussion points and activities to provide focus throughout the video
5. Describe an activity to culminate the lesson (what will you do to use or measure the information from the video?)

For this assignment, you will need to create a complete script for step 4. The introductory and culminating activties need only be a brief description.

For additional tips, see Video Utilization Stategies on the WBRA website: