Monday, October 1, 2007


Today in class Mike Grim gave you a brief glimpse into the roles and responsibilities of an ITRT. Taking into consideration the information he shared and experiences you may already have with ITRTs, post a response to this blog post to share your experiences and/or perspectives with others. Feel free to share your own thoughts or use the following prompts to help you.
  • In the state of Virginia, every school is required to have an ITRT. What are your opinions of this requirement?
  • How can the ITRT program benefit our schools?
  • What is your impression of or how would you summarize the responsibilities of an ITRT
  • How do you see an ITRT helping you individually?
  • What kind of plans might you have for using an ITRT as a resource?
  • Is there anything you think an ITRT should do that Mike did not mention?
  • Are there any remaining questions you have about ITRTs?
Feel free to address some, all or none of the questions above. If there is something more specific you would like to address or share with the group in regards to ITRTs, please feel free. Be sure to post your response by Friday, October, 5. If you have any questions, please let me know!

Resources for SmartBoard and standards

Below are a couple of links to a few resources that you may find helpful.

Teaching Resources (includes SmartBoard resources)

Technology Standards Resources

Portals with SmartBoard resources